
Samples and Examples

Over 280 Caravans and Campers Gather and Glamp from All Corners of the Country

Q: Why did the robot go camping?
A: He needed to recharge his batteries.

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--bs-blue: #0d6efd;

--bs-indigo: #6610f2;

--bs-purple: #6f42c1;

--bs-pink: #d63384;

--bs-red: #dc3545;

--bs-orange: #fd7e14;

--bs-yellow: #ffc107;

--bs-green: #198754;

--bs-teal: #20c997;

--bs-cyan: #0dcaf0;

--bs-white: #fff;

--bs-gray: #6c757d;

--bs-gray-dark: #343a40;

--bs-primary: #0d6efd;

--bs-secondary: #6c757d;

--bs-success: #198754;

--bs-info: #0dcaf0;

--bs-warning: #ffc107;

--bs-danger: #dc3545;

--bs-light: #f8f9fa;

--bs-dark: #212529;

Middle column for other colour options? Set in CSS css/style.css (not in assets)

pink {.color-pink color: pink;}

orange {.color-orange color: orange;}

teal {.color-teal color: teal; #20c997}

limegreen {.color-limegreen: color: #08FF46}


Add more when able

The easiest way is to set colours in CSS

Adobe's colour wheel